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Meet Mary FayeOur prayer warrior

Step by step. Some tiny and slow. Others giant leaps to unfamiliar places. Each one building upon the other to lead me here to my life today as GRM’s prayer coordinator. Following God has led me on an unexpected but rewarding journey of life-changing growth. I was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools. Throughout those years, I believed in Jesus but did not really understand what it meant to experience a personal relationship with Him by grace alone. Through the witness of college friends, I first understood the truth of Ephesians, 2:8-10, that we are saved by faith and not by our own efforts. 

Once I married my husband Jack (forty plus years ago in June of 1980), we began attending Bible-believing churches. I was introduced to Bible study and began to fall in love with the Word of God. Our son Tim was born in 1985. The joys and struggles of parenthood began. I lived my life as a praying woman, but worry always accompanied those prayers. When Tim entered junior high, God used his adjustment problems to nudge me to take one of those steps of faith. For such a small action at the time, this move became the foundation for my ministry today. Realizing I needed to pray more effectively for my son, I decided to contact a ministry called Moms in Touch International (now called Moms in Prayer International.) In God’s perfect provision, He arranged for me to see an ad in our local newspaper advertising an open house for interested moms. I called a friend, we attended the meeting together, and started a Moms in Prayer group for our local junior high. All these years later I am still participating in a Moms in Prayer group, but now I pray not only for my son, but for his wife Emma and my 3 beautiful grandchildren, Gus, Mimi and Iggy.

Through Moms in Prayer, I learned to pray Scripture, using God’s Word as the basis for my prayers. Praising God, confession of sins, thanking Him for His work in my life, and intercession using His Word to pray became my language of prayer. I loved studying God’s character and attributes as I prepared for my group meeting each week. Slowly God began to lay upon my heart a desire to share with my church family my growing knowledge about prayer. During my son’s senior year in high school I started praying about my new role once he went off to college. One morning I awoke and wrote a long list of prayer ideas I hoped to introduce to my church. Again I called a praying friend, we met with our pastor and my role as my church’s prayer coordinator began. For a number of years I led prayer meetings for various ministries, wrote Scripture-based prayers and promoted prayer within my church. God used what he had taught me through Moms in Prayer to encourage my church family to deepen their prayer lives. 

My next step in prayer ministry completely surprised me. Apart from God carrying me through this unexpected adventure, I would have run away in the opposite direction. A new Planned Parenthood opened up near my home. Once again God provided a friend to stand alongside me as we began praying out at this clinic. Through a series of divine events, I began leading a group of pro-life believers in a twice-monthly meeting to pray for our witness at our local clinic. We have been praying together now since 2008.

In the fall of 2010, Dawn invited me to come teach a Bible lesson for GRM. I agreed and decided to also regularly attend the GRM Bible study. Dawn had always bragged how great her GRM ladies were. After meeting them, I agreed! I joined the GRM ministry team as our prayer coordinator after participating in Bible studies for several years. Through GRM, God has moved me to write many Scripture-based prayers, including a book of prayers and sending out daily email prayers!

God has directed me step by step on an amazing journey of faith. I began simply wanting to pray for my son and his transition into junior high. I never dreamed He would use me, the shy little girl who never raised her hand in class, to lead so many others to pray in such a variety of ministries. Taking those strides into the unknown has not always been very easy, but I’m so thankful I haven’t missed the blessings of seeing God work through me in His ministry of prayer.

Mary Faye