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My Latest Obsession

By November 4, 2019May 5th, 2020Keeping it Real

As of late, there’s a joke circulating in my family, at my expense mind you. The joke is that at every meal I discuss three topics: The Curly Girl Method, my macros, and Peter.

Whatever. My family thinks they’re so funny. 

Cue rolling of eyes…

Let me explain my mild obsession with all three.

The Curly Girl Method

At my own defense, this wouldn’t be a topic in my vocabulary had my daughter, Monika not introduced me to the method. See, I was perfectly happy (well, not “perfectly”) with my thinning-menopausal, straight hair until MONIKA informed me that I shouldn’t be. 

It was MONIKA who said “Mom, you HAVE to stop straightening your hair! There’s this new method called the ‘Curly Girl Method’ and it’s super popular amongst naturally curly girls. You HAVE to do it.” 

So, dozens of bottles of lo-poo, no-poo, pre-poo, curling creams, curling custards, and gels I’m in. I mean all-in. Nightly I pineapple, and daily I plop. It’s a lifestyle, this whole CGM. I’ll spare you the definitions. If you’re interested hop on over to YouTube or Instagram and follow @honestlizhere because she’s terrific and now a new GRM friend who happens to live in India!! She’s studying “Who Do You Say That I Am?” along with us. Turns out this new obsession has led me to do more ministry. Go God and CGM!

As for my smart alec family, fuhgeddaboutem!


Menopause: that moment when your hairline thins, your waistline thickens, and your butt widens. And hot flashes, oy vey, let’s not forget those! Not a fan, and if you’re in the midst of this more-than-awful phase of life I know you can relate. It stinks, right?!

Well, I have a solution that I’m happy to share! Hence obsession #2, macros.

In July an acquaintance of mine posted a before and after pic of herself on Facebook after spending seven weeks on Amanda Nighbert’s LEAN program. She looked terrific, so, of course, I had to inquire.

Intermittent fasting to the rescue!

I joined Amanda’s program in August, and I not only lost those stubborn pounds but also those pesky menopausal inches, thanks to LEAN. It’s easy. It’s effective. And there are no gimmicks. (No, this is not an infomercial) All you need is a little exercise, the app – My Fitness Pal for macro tracking, and an 8-hour window for feasting. That’s it. #easypeasy #loveit

Interested in giving it a whirl? Follow this link and jump on the band wagon. Your butt will thank you. and use code: DPFE2B

But here’s the thing. In addition to fasting for weight loss I’ve also used this regime as an opportunity to gain something as well. I’ve taken this gig spiritual. Christian fasting is a spiritual exercise that is most valuable. It’s like a divine plug-in, but instead of losing something like weight or inches you gain Spiritual fruit and a deeper understanding of God’s presence. When we empty ourselves, of ourselves, we gain more of God. For more on Christian fasting check this out:

Here’s to filling up and losing all at the same time. Cheers to treating your body like the temple it was designed to be!


You were introduced to Peter back in June. If you aren’t familiar, and need to catch up, here’s the link: Summer’s Best

Many people have warned me, even discouraged me from having a friendship with a Nigerian. Heck, even Nigerians have warned me! “You know, scammers come from Nigeria, right?” My response, “Yes, I’m well aware. I’ve done my due diligence. If he’s scamming he will have to answer to God. In the meantime, I’m following what I believe to be the Spirit’s call.”

Anyhooo, why all the chatter about a young man living halfway around the world? Because it matters. It matters to me but most importantly it matters to Jesus.

When Jesus said “If you love me, feed my sheep,” he didn’t mean sheep that looked solely like me…or you. He didn’t mean only American sheep but Asian sheep, European sheep, and African sheep too.

So, God has plucked Peter from the steamy region of rural Lagos and placed him in my life. I don’t know exactly why, or where this will lead, but one thing I know for certain: when God calls you to something saying “no” isn’t an option. To love God is to embrace His agenda, and loving and feeding His sheep of all races and regions is at the top of His list…for it is by this that the world will know that you are His.

Can you think of anything more rewarding? Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to leave an imprint on this crusty, cynical world? Then do what Jesus did. Love. Feed. Befriend someone you’d never dream of befriending. You may just find yourself blessed.

Until next time, I’ll keep CGMing, fasting, and talking about my Nigerian son.

In Christ’s Love,


Dawn Pulgine

Dawn founded Getting Real Ministries to encourage and equip women to apply Biblical teachings to everyday living. Whether she is writing, editing, studying, or teaching she is aspiring to be authentic, genuine, and "real". | Meet Dawn |

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