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Change is a Challenge

By August 30, 2016Keeping it Real

Hello and much love from the cul-de-sac.

I’m back in town after a month’s worth of on-the-go like nobody’s business.

First stop – crazy, whacky, bizarre New York City. If you have been there recently, did you experience the 70-year-old naked women painted like Old Glory frolicking through Times Square? Insane, truly insane. Anyhow, every time I visit that megalopolis I think, “how do these people live like this?” The lunacy of overpopulation, overstimulation, and overindulgence smothers me. But ironically, I love it. For a moment. Three days tops.

So New York was our last attempt to soak up Emma-time before she hightailed it to Baylor. We shopped, dined, took in Phantom, Madam Tussaud’s, Lady Liberty, Ground Zero…yes, more food (specifically Junior’s cheesecake) and more shopping and a million miles worth of steps. I’m not kidding here. One. Million. So when we hopped in that Uber car, exhausted and full, there was only one thing left to do…sleep!

Touching down at O’Hare only launched us into full-throttle mode though. Sleep is for sissies you know? So packing and hustling we went, loading Emma’s belongings up for our 1,100 mile haul to Waco, Texas. Well, my son-in-law did most of the loading. We watched and cheered and blessed him for his never-ending help, and off we went.

Once Emma was settled, and we bid our tearful goodbyes, Tony and I hopped in our SUV bound for home. The cruise control was set and we made sparks fly on our 16-hour jaunt back home.


That’s when the release valve popped! Months of stress came pouring out of my eyes, pairs of tears rolling down my face one after another, after another.  The sadness of leaving my baby so many miles from home, coupled with the stress and fear of trying to obtain a new homestead for GRM finally peaked. I knew it would happen, and so it did.

But I’m good now. I’ve pulled myself together, and I’m realizing that empty-nester life isn’t so bad, at least not this week, yet. But the fear that trips me up occasionally is GRM’s future. I feel a bit like Abraham ya know? Like when God said, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you” (Genesis 12:1).

Ok, so I’m being a bit dramatic, but you know what I mean, right? Change can be challenging.

While poking around Pinterest the other day this quote grabbed my attention:


IMG_5666Two weeks ago we submitted a revised letter of intent to the church, and over the weekend they met to discuss our intentions. So we wait. And pray. And anticipate a future in ministering to the community out of that adorable little white church on that “land” in the “Big Woods” that God showed me.

But we cannot make this happen without you and your help. Your talents, your passions, your expertise, and your resources are meant for Kingdom building.  You aren’t a part of GRM by happenstance. Proverbs 16:9 says, “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.”

Do you know that?

Do you believe it?

Have you given it any thought?

I know it’s scary. Trust me, I’m right there with you.

But author Robert Liparulo has something to say about fear. He writes, “Bravery is not the absence of fear but the forging ahead despite being afraid.”  Getting Real Ministries is forging ahead and I’m asking you to join hands with me. With us. Am I afraid? Yes, at times! But hey, I’m walking with God and so are you, so what is there to fear…right? Right?

So let’s go together, because it’s impossible to hold hands alone. Kingdom building is community work, and joining hands while skipping into our new land – just over the bridge – sounds like more fun than forging it alone!

Dawn Pulgine

Dawn founded Getting Real Ministries to encourage and equip women to apply Biblical teachings to everyday living. Whether she is writing, editing, studying, or teaching she is aspiring to be authentic, genuine, and "real". | Meet Dawn |

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